
Types of cosmetic dentistry

At The Practice we offer a range of cosmetic dentistry treatment and smile makeovers. 

Why would you consider cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry improves the appearance of your smile and changes how your teeth look and function. 

We may recommend cosmetic dentistry if you have chipped, missing, discoloured, crooked or misaligned teeth. Alternatively, you may be considering cosmetic dentistry if you’re not happy with the appearance of your teeth and wish to gain more confidence in your smile and appearance. Cosmetic dentistry can also improve your bite and help your gums and teeth remain healthy. 

Benefits of cosmetic dentistry

Some of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry include: 

  • A beautiful smile.
  • Improved oral health.
  • Teeth that are easier to floss and brush.
  • Improved bite and chewing.
  • Improved confidence.

Types of cosmetic dentistry

At The Practice in West End we offer three types of cosmetic dentistry which includes bridges and crowns, dental veneers and teeth whitening. 


Bridges and crowns are the most popular treatments to restore teeth that are damaged or replace teeth that are missing. Both procedures are generally pain-free. 

Bridges are used to replace missing teeth with false teeth. The ‘bridge’ is fixed to either side of the gap with the false tooth sitting in between. Sometimes they can be used instead of dentures and can be made out of porcelain or metal, a mixture of both, or zirconia. 

A dental crown is essentially a cap that covers an existing tooth. It can improve the appearance and restore function of a broken, chipped or decayed tooth, making it stronger. At The Practice crowns can be made of ceramic, zirconia or gold and will be matched to your adjacent teeth to look as natural as possible. 


Veneers are extremely versatile and can be used for several purposes. They can hide teeth that are stained, slightly chipped, cracked or too short and worn. Veneers can improve the appearance of teeth and help to minimise gaps. 

If you only have a couple of teeth out of alignment, veneers can be used instead of braces to bring them back in line. 

teeth whitening west end


In the last couple of decades teeth whitening has become very popular and the technology has greatly improved. It’s a simple and effective way of brightening the colour of your teeth which may be stained from time, lifestyle or diet. 

Dentists at The Practice offer two types of teeth whitening, in-chair and take-home whitening. 

In-chair professional teeth whitening – Come into our South Brisbane dental practice and kick back for about one and a half hours, then walk out with visibly whiter teeth, no waiting required. Teeth whitening is customised to your needs and they’ll be up to 8 shades whiter by the time you leave.  

Take-home whitening –  You can get the same results with take-home whitening kits, however it will take a bit longer. Every day for two weeks you’ll need to use a fabricated retainer like object called a whitening tray containing a whitening gel. 

How long does cosmetic dentistry last? 

With proper care dental veneers will last seven to 15 years and dental crowns and bridges should last more about 10 years. Teeth whitening can last anywhere between six months and two years, depending on how you take care of your teeth. 

Cosmetic dentistry at The Practice 

Our dentists have years of experience in cosmetic dentistry. From our state-of-the-art dental clinic in West End we can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. 

Can’t afford to pay upfront? At The Practice we offer a variety of dental payment options including ZipPay and AfterPay.

If you’d like to know more about cosmetic dentistry, book an appointment online or contact our friendly South Brisbane dental clinic on (07) 3733 3223. Alternatively, email

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