
What causes bad breath and how to treat it

Do you find yourself reaching for breath mints? Are you embarrassed by your bad breath but don’t understand what causes it? Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can affect anyone. But don’t worry, there is a solution. In this blog article, let’s talk about bad breath, and what you can do to get rid of it. 

What causes bad breath? 

Many things cause bad breath, but it’s normally a result of bacteria in the mouth breaking down leftover food particles. Some common causes include: 

Poor oral hygiene: Not properly brushing and flossing can lead to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, causing bad breath.

Dry mouth: Saliva works to cleanse the mouth and remove particles that cause bad breath. If you produce less saliva, due to medication or dehydration, it can result in bad odours from your mouth. 

Diet: Strong-smelling foods like garlic and onions can lead to temporary bad breath. Also, a low-carb diet that induces ketosis may produce a distinct smell.

Smoking tobacco: Smoking and tobacco products can contribute to bad breath and increase the risk of gum disease, which is another potential cause.

Medical conditions: Certain health conditions, such as respiratory infections, sinusitis, acid reflux, diabetes, and liver or kidney problems, can be associated with bad breath.

Dental issues: Cavities, gum disease, and oral infections can produce unpleasant smells. A visit to the dentist can help identify and address these issues.

Mouth, nose, and throat conditions: Infections or conditions affecting the mouth, nose, or throat, such as tonsil stones, can contribute to bad breath.

Certain medications: Some medications can cause dry mouth as a side effect, leading to bad breath.

Badly fitted dental appliances: Dentures or dental appliances that don’t fit properly can trap food particles and bacteria, contributing to bad breath.

Symptoms of bad breath

Some symptoms of bad breath include: 

  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Coating on the tongue. 
  • Persistent bad taste. 
  • Morning bad breath. 
  • Postnasal drip.
  • White spots on tonsils.
  • Gum bleeding or redness.
  • Dental issues.
  • Fruity smell.

How to treat bad breath

Treating bad breath requires a combination of proper oral hygiene practices and lifestyle changes. It’s important to have a consistent oral care routine, which includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly to remove trapped food particles and plaque. If you have bad breath it’s also important to pay attention to your tongue, using a tongue scraper or your toothbrush to eliminate bacteria that can help with bad breath.

Staying hydrated also plays a crucial role in treating bad breath, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Staying well-hydrated helps prevent dry mouth, a common cause of halitosis. It’s equally important to pay attention to your diet, as certain foods can contribute to bad breath. A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and eating less sugary or acidic foods can help to treat the symptoms of bad breath. 

If you still have bad breath we recommend booking an appointment with a dentist at The Practice. Regular dental check-ups can help identify and address underlying issues that lead to bad breath. In some cases, your dentist may recommend specific mouthwashes or treatments tailored to your oral health needs. Addressing underlying medical conditions or lifestyle factors, such as smoking, can give you a long-term solution for maintaining fresh breath.

Book an appointment at The Practice to eliminate your bad breath. Your journey to fresh breath starts now! 

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